On combination option orders Fidelity requires the “buy” side to be entered at the top, this may be a convenience for their programmers, but it is an inconvenience for their users. It is not an automated process and your order may not fill even if the limit criteria is satisfied. Execution of combination orders like buy-writes can be very sluggish. Right now it’s an on/off choice and the “on” choice uses up a lot of chart real estate. Charts don’t allow setting the length of pre/post market trading displayed. This deficiency is surprising since they do such a good job with more complex orders. This is a significant usability issue for options and ETF traders where wide spreads are common. No mid-point prices for single security or single option quotes or watch lists. Before the durations were set wrong, now they appear to be using higher than daily resolution-very good! Greeks now look correct for weekly / quarterly options. Ability to show intraday notional values for ETFs-add a /IV to the symbol (e.g., VXX/IV). Maximum frequency for monthly charts increased from daily to 30 minutes-much more reasonable.
Once you create/modify a watch list it syncs with all of your computers when you use Active Trader Pro.
Storage of things like watch lists is account centric not computer centric. Support for option spreads in IRA accounts for equities and indexes-including cash settled indexes. Intraday charts are supported for up to a month in duration. Very useful for doing your own spreadsheet analysis offline. Exporting of chart data, along with time stamps (right click on the chart and choose “export”). Since options tend to have wide spreads, and typically you can usually transact options trades near their mid prices this is a very important capability.
Displaying both the ask, bid, and midpoint prices for option combination orders. Conditional orders have a lot of flexibility, including specifying bid vs ask prices-important for lightly traded securities. The option chain functionality allows setup of three and four legged option strategies like butterflies and condors so that they can be priced and put in place with a single order.
This is a very nice and convenient feature for option trading.
On the order screen, you can right click and get the option of duplicating an order or creating the close out for the order. #STREETSMART EDGE HOTKEYS FULL#
See Fidelity’s release notes for a full listing of new capabilities. Charts now support daily frequency for up to 10 years, this is a major improvement from the previous one-year limitation on daily frequency data. Greek support on option chains including bid and asked implied option volatility, not just the average of the two. Unfortunately, expired options cannot be charted. #STREETSMART EDGE HOTKEYS FULL SIZE#
The charts can be maximized to full size and the data can be exported to a spreadsheet. These charts can be accessed by right clicking the option you are interested in on the option chains and selecting the “Chart” action. Many major brokers (e.g., Schwab, E*trade) continue to do this wrong by using the VIX as the underlying for all VIX options.
The appropriate month future should be used as the underlying for each series of VIX options (e.g., October futures for options expiring in October). This is certainly better than using VIX as the underlying, but this gives incorrect, although less wrong months for the later expiring futures. Fidelity is now using the front month VIX future as the underlying for all VIX option series.
Greeks on VIX options are much better. Quotes/Tracking for various volatility indexes (e.g. Active Trader Pro’s ability to export charts (including intraday data) for both regular securities and options is very helpful for doing analysis.